Your place for yoga

Join our harmonious and inspiring atmosphere - to open up the body and free the mind.

Take a breath.
You are here.

  • Studio classes

    Come to our lovely studios in Helsinki with a variety of weekly classes. Get on the mat.

  • Events & Retreats

    Events and workshops at the studio, and retreats at Villa Saga. Come and join us.

  • Online videos

    With 70+ video classes and more comings you’re able to connect and practice wherever you are.

“Do you pay regular visits to yourself? Start now.”


For companies and work teams

Bring your work team for a wonderful practice or a longer workshop with us. We’re also happy bring our yoga and meditation to your event or office.

We also offer team days and retreats at Villa Saga.

Give the gift of yoga

A yoga practice can be a beautiful gift and a class shared together is wonderful. Get someone a gift card, let them come on their own time or make it a yoga date.

Villa Saga - a cozy retreat place in the countryside

Near Helsinki and right by natural forests, we offer longer stays and some beautiful down time in a harmonious cozy setting. Come to move, breath and be - as well as eat and sleep well.